The 5 things you should consistently do for healthy skin

The key ingredient for skin care success:

Persistence + Consistency = RESULTS

Here are 5 things you should consistently do to keep your skin healthy and hydrated all yea long:

1. Cleanse Your Skin Twice Daily. That’s right, gorgeous, no skipping your nighttime routine! You need to wash your face every morning and evening to remove dirt and makeup and to apply your anti-aging products like our salon fave–ZO Skin Health Retinol Skin Brightener.

2. Exfoliate! Exfoliate! Exfoliate! This might be our favorite tip, start by doing it 3x per week and work up to doing it daily. Removing dead skin cells stimulates skin renewal and gives you fresher, brighter skin. Take a before and after of yourself if you don’t believe us.

3. Apply sunscreen every morning. Yes, we mean it! Even in winter the natural light from windows or skylights exposes skin to harmful rays that contribute to the signs of aging. Protect yourself by keeping sunscreen as part of your morning routine even in winter.

4. Stay hydrated and maintain a balanced diet. We all look our best when we feel our best! Exercising and eating right makes us glow with health. That’s because our skin is our body's largest organ–an average of 21 square feet, to be exact. Whatever’s happening inside shows up on the outside!

5. Consult with your skincare professional regularly. Yep, that’s us! We’d love to help you achieve your long-term skincare goals. It’s what we love and what we do all day for beautiful people like you. Contact us to book your consultation today!


Elevate your Skin Experience at Powell Studio